As long as Metrocast has two different technologies, we can offer to our customers the opportunity to get always the most suitable solutions. However it is important to realize that the two technologies suit different kind of parts, and a component hardly ever is economically feasible both with MIM and investment casting. In front of a new part to develop, it is basic to understand which one of the two processes can give the best solution. In order to do this (considering that it is always recommanded to contact our technical dept.) there are some parameters and dimensional limits which can give some precise advices:

  • WEIGHT First discriminant is weight: with investment casting can be produced parts whit a weight which varies from a couple of grams up to 3 kgs or more, while with MIM the maximum reachable weight is 50 grams and the best cost-effectivness can be found with components which weight less than 20 grams.
  • ALLOYS Even if this remark seems to be obvious, it is always advisable to verify in the material tabs of each technology which are the available alloys. Materials available for investment casting are really a lot, while the MIM ones are relatively few.
  • MAXIMUM LINEAR DIMENSION Maximum linear dimension of a MIM part is 100 mm, while for an investment casting component is 300 mm.
  • SURFACE FINISH Surface finish of a MIM part is generally better than an investment casting one. Surface roughness normally achivable with MIM is 1 µm, while with investment casting is 3,2 µm.
  • GEOMETRICAL COMPLEXITY Both investment casting and Metal Injection Moulding are processes whose cost-effectivness comes from the opportunity to reduce to the minimum the number of machining operations to be run on the rough part obtained by the above mentioned processes. According to that, MIM can provide more design flexibility than investment casting; only to give you an idea, please note the following parameters:
investment casting
Min. wall thickness
1 mm
2 mm
Max. depth of a hole
10 x ø
from 1xø to 4xø depending on ø
Max depth of a blind hole
5 x ø
from 0,5xø to 2xø depending on ø
  • ORDER VOLUMES Another significant parameter is the quantity of parts needed. Metal injection molding is a method of mass production. Due to the relatively high tooling costs, annual volumes economical to produce typically exceed 20,000 parts per year. On the other hand, the minimum batch for investment casting is usually 500 parts (depending anyway on the part).


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Metrocast Italiana SpA - Via Valtrompia, 121 - 25063 GARDONE V.T. (Brescia) Italy - Tel. +39.030.831437 - Fax +39.030.8911166
E-mail: - P.IVA 00552020984 - C.F. 00297700171 - Capitale sociale i.v. euro 600.000 - REA: 159722